Dispatch Time:
Shipping times for each product may vary based on availability. The estimated dispatch time is provided on each product page.
Transit Time:
For customers in the US and EU (excluding remote areas), the estimated transit time is approximately 3-7 days.
For customers in the UK, delivery typically takes around 3 days.
We strive to deliver your package as quickly as possible. If you encounter any issues with your shipment, please don’t hesitate to contact the XGIMI Customer Service team.
Shipping times for each product may vary based on availability. The estimated dispatch time is provided on each product page.
Transit Time:
For customers in the US and EU (excluding remote areas), the estimated transit time is approximately 3-7 days.
For customers in the UK, delivery typically takes around 3 days.
We strive to deliver your package as quickly as possible. If you encounter any issues with your shipment, please don’t hesitate to contact the XGIMI Customer Service team.